Friday, August 28, 2009

End of Summer Blues

This time of year always brings about conflicting emotions for me, and full of regrets. On the one hand, I feel we did not make the most of summer break. We took only 5 days in Wisconsin with the kids. Why didn't we travel cross country in a RV and visit the Grand Canyon? or see some mountains in Colorado? We should have gone to the beach, zoo, more water parks, the library. Like when I was a kid. It seemed as if we never had the time.

But in many ways it's not our fault. Back when I was little, my mom didn't work. She had all the summer long to hang with us. Now, summer vacation poses a real conundrum for working moms. It is no longer carefree days of catching lighting bugs, but a frantic 'what am I going to do with the kids while I try to get some work done'. So it's summer camp that rules our summer. The kids are scheduled and there isn't much time for relaxing. And in between camps-there are none that seem to last all summer-we have the make those embarrassing business calls while our kids are bickering in the background or a little one is telling you she has to go potty.

On the other hand, I always looked forward to school starting in the fall when I was little, and in many respects, I look forward to my kids going back. I'm looking forward to the early bedtimes, and hours to work uninterrupted. But most importantly I'm looking forward to watching my girls learn. Especially Annie, who is 6. Every new bit of knowledge is a wonder for her. My big girl Amy, just became a teenager and thinks she already knows everything, but she is old enough to have real and interesting conversations about what she's learned in school.

So there you have it. We spend all spring looking forward to summer break and all of August looking forward to September... and somewhere around Halloween, we won't be able to wait for winter break.